Key Contacts

For more information on how Sons India Software can help your organization, contact:
Arvind Metha
Arvind is responsible for external relations and all aspects of sales and account management.
Ph: (+91 40) 65 646472
Cell Phone: (+91) 040 6564 6472
Business Development
Business Development Manager
BDM is responsible for new business development and account management across a number of existing clients.
Ph: (+91 40) 65646470
Cell Phone: (+91) 65646471
BDM- Sales
Business Development Manager
BDM -Sales is responsible for new business development and account management across a number of existing clients.
Ph: (+91 40) 65646471
Cell Phone: (+91) 40 65646471
Sales Manager
Support Services Account Manager
Sales Manager is responsible for all aspects of sales and account management for Sons India Software support services.
Ph: (+91 40) 65646470
Cell Phone: (+91 40) 65646473
To find out about employment opportunities as a consultant at Sons India Software, contact:
Consulting Manager
Ph: (+91 40)6564 6471
Cell Phone: (+91 40) 65646472