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Public Sector

Public sector organizations face intense scrutiny for all investments in their IT infrastructure. They need a partner they can trust.
Sons India Software has more than a decade’s experience in providing stable and secure public sector solutions. With customers ranging from the India Police to the Department of Conservation and the IRD, we have an unequalled track record in tailoring SAP solutions to meet the unique needs of India’s public sector organizations.
SAP for Public Sector is one of the ways to automate, streamline and integrate complex processes. By adapting this solution to your organization we can add efficiencies to a range of activities, including:
- Accounting - Monitor the flow of funds and manage budget life cycles, from formulation and preparation to execution
- Human capital management - Integrate employee-related processes and information with overall organizational priorities and strategies
- Procurement - Enable electronic requisitioning and buying, and automate tender and contract processes with legal compliance capabilities
- Tax and revenue management - Handle registration and account maintenance, correspondence, billing, audits and compliance
- Social services - Streamline the delivery and case management of a wide range of services to individuals and families
- Program management - Increase efficiency and enhance process transparency to meet the expectations of recipients of government services
- Public security - Consolidate data, share information and ensure that resources are available to support critical security processes